These notifications are sent to provide updates about shipping labels in Treet’s system.


label/createdWebhook triggered by a new shipping label created.
label/updatedWebhook triggered by an updated tracking status.


topicTreet Webhook topic
triggerTreet Webhook trigger (see possible triggers above)
shopIdTreet Shop ID
bundleIdTreet Bundle Id. Unique identifier for the bundle
bundleTypeTreet Bundle Type. Possible values: TRADE_IN or MARKETPLACE
carrierTreet Shipment carrier. Possible values: USPS
trackingNumberTreet Shipment tracking number from the carrier
statusTreet Shipment status. Possible values: SHIPPED or DELIVERED
updatedAtDate and time (ISO 8601 format)
itemsList of item objects in the shipment, described below

Item Object

idTreet Bundle Item ID
variantIdShopify Variant Id
skuShopify SKU
stockImageUrlShopify Stock Image URL
variantOptionsObject that contains Shopify Variant Options (e.g. size, color, etc.)
titleShopify Product title
categoryTreet item category

Example Webhook Payload

The following is the example formatted into the JSON payload that will be sent when this webhook is triggered:

  "topic": "label",
  "trigger": "label/updated",
  "shopId": "boyish",
  "bundleId": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789105",
  "bundleType": "TRADE_IN",
  "carrier": "USPS",
  "trackingNumber": "28735625627856237856287",
  "status": "SHIPPED",
  "updatedAt": "2024-01-01T12:00:00+00:00",
  "items": [
      "id": "11345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789101",
      "variantId": "01345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789101",
      "sku": "large-pink-shirt",
      "stockImageUrl": "",
      "variantOptions": {
        "size": "L",
        "color": "pink"
      "category": "shirts",
      "title": "Large Pink Shirt"